Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm in joining the Hive Community! Apply to participate in the Hive Global Leaders Program in Africa: an immersive experience that awakens your purpose and connects you with a lifelong community of like-minded leaders from 135 countries to support you.
Our application process is designed to curate a diverse cohort of individuals at each of our events and within the broader Hive Community.
Our belief is that you will gain clarity into what makes you come alive — your purpose — by leveraging the diversity of our community wisdom and experience. Applications are reviewed within 2-3 business days of submission on a rolling basis.
If you are accepted, the full tuition for the program is $1500. However partial need-based scholarships are available, this represent a reduction in tuition fee for few selected accepted applicants.
We are grateful for the opportunity to learn more about you, how you are committed to creating a better world, and the value you bring to the Hive Community.