Hive is a global community for purpose-driven leaders. Our flagship event in the two-day Hive Purpose Weekend (HPW). We also host larger annual summits and smaller retreats.

With the help of our community, we have hosted Hive programs in the USA, Nigeria, Germany, Canada, Pakistan, Romania, and India. Below is an example curriculum taught during the Hive Global Leaders Program. Use the tabs to toggle between each of the days.

Please note the Hive Purpose Weekend curriculum (HPW) is held over two days.


Key Topics: What is going on in the world today? What are the macro trends of the 21st century? What are the biggest opportunities? Are humans making progress? What would the world look like if it were created based on the principle of equality of opportunity? How can we create a world that is sustainable and healthy for all people in our lifetimes?

  • Designing a Better World
  • Tracking Human Progress
  • The Future of Science and Technology
  • The Biggest 21st Century Opportunities
  • Rapid Prototyping Workshop
  • Design Thinking for Social Change
  • Unconference on the World – By Hive Participantsrcle


Key Topics: Are you truly pursuing your life purpose? Have you followed your passion and are you doing your best work? Are you able to be a fully expressed authentic leader who inspires your team? Are you consciously living or letting life pass by? How can you be fully present in the moment, be at your optimal peak performance, and enjoy every day while achieving more impact than you ever thought possible? How can you surround yourself with an extraordinary community of people to learn from and enjoy life with?

  • Mindfulness & Presence for Leaders
  • Your Health and Your Habits
  • Defining Your Crucible Moments
  • Refining Your Purpose & Goals
  • Integrity in Life and Work
  • Designing Your Life Workbook
  • Creating Your Financial Plan
  • Unconference on Life – By Hive Participants


Key Topics: How can you realign so that what you do actually aligns with your purpose? How can you align the impact you want to make in your life with where you get your income? How can you work full-time on your passion? How can you be part of solving the most important challenges of our generation? What is your theory of change? How will you fund the next part of your plan? How can you scale your customer, user, or donor base? What specific skills do you need to get to the next level as a mission-driven leader and entrepreneur? And what is your action plan for the next 6 months?

  • Authentic Leadership: Aligning Your Work With Your Purpose
    Using Business to Create Scalable Social Change
  • Building Your Team & Culture
  • Venture Capital & Impact Investing
  • Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship
  • Your One Page Life Plan
  • Purpose Circle
  • Graduation Ceremony – Whisper Circle


Hive events are designed to educate and connect leaders who are making a big positive impact in the world. The curriculum has been built for mission-driven leaders who are dedicated to creating a future that is radically better than the present. Hive is designed to transform your life and transform your leadership, so that you can transform the world in community.

Hive provides transformative leadership training, integrating elements of purpose, life design, wellness, the arts, authentic relating, rapid prototyping and global systems thinking. We look at what is happening in the world. We look at the Global Grand Challenges, looking at how humanity is doing across health, education, economics, happiness, and the environment. We discuss what is happening your life, look at your health and wellness and your financial plan, go through a Designing Your Life Workshop, create your goals, reevaluate your habits, and create your personal one page plan. Finally on day three we look at what is happening in your work and learn about authentic leadership and finalize your one page plan. Graduates leave the program with clarity on their purpose for the next phase of their lives and a lifelong global community of leaders there to support them on their journey.

The Hive curriculum was designed based upon the team’s experiences with the Harvard Graduate School Leadership Institute, the Harvard Business School MBA program, the Singularity University Executive Program, the Stanford Designing Your Life course, the LAUNCH Accelerator, the Highland Capital Summer Program, the Art of Living Happiness Program, Tony Robbins’ Date With Destiny and Unleash the Power Within Programs, the Landmark Curriculum for Living, ALA San Diego’s leadership programs, and the work of GoogleX innovator Tom Chi.